Reimagining Test Prep

What if, instead of “drill and kill,” we designed practice based on the science of how people learn?

A promising practice guide for preparing for standardized tests.

Everything you need to use and adapt this system for yourself.

Why reimagine test prep?


When it’s time to prepare students for standardized tests, many teachers wonder, How do I help students do well without killing their love of learning? Without a system for practice that both respects the complexity of teaching and simplifies the process, teachers are left on their own to find the balance in their classrooms.

The system.


Taken together, a systems-approach to test prep requires the balance of structures and flexibility; trusting that practitioners can both vary their individual approaches, while also working together towards a common goal.

We have learned that a coherent systems approach for “test prep” requires the following:

A plan for communication among key stakeholders: data coaches, administrators and teachers.

A clear focus for the team to organize their teaching and data; both in cognitive and non cognitive areas.

Shared tools for data collection and a built-in feedback loop from teachers to students.

A launch of the MCAS preparation unit designed to reframe students’ mindsets regarding tests by communicating clearly and honestly about high stakes assessments, who’s accountable to what and the purpose of deliberate practice in order to prepare?

Clear structures and routines for teachers to actually use the data to make teaching decisions, in real time.

Reusable weekly plans that incorporate a particular set of routines, tools and communication strategies to engage students in more effortful practice and data-informed revision.

Who is this for?






No matter your position in the system, this guide offers something you can use to help students succeed.